Mincut. Abstract we give a deterministic global min cut al gorithm for weighted undirected graphs that runs in time o m1 plus polylog n max flow computations. November 28 2016 anthony kim 2016 1 minimum cut problem.
This theorem states that the maximum flow through any network from a given source to a given sink is exactly the sum of the edge weights that if removed would totally disconnect the source from the sink. Cs 161 lecture 16 min cut and karger s algorithm scribes. Def mincut self source sink.
A st cut cut is a partition of the vertices into two disjoint sets with s in one set a and t in the other set b.
A st cut cut is a partition of the vertices into two disjoint sets with s in one set a and t in the other set b. In computer science and optimization theory the max flow min cut theorem states that in a flow network the maximum amount of flow passing from the source to the sink is equal to the total weight of the edges in a minimum cut i e. If all costs are 1 then the problem becomes the problem of nding a cut with as few edges as possible. Minimum st cut mincut problem.