Sirsasana Drawing. Once the legs are up place the soles of the feet together while bending the knees as if in bound angle. Bend your left knee inwards draw your heel towards the perineum.
Rest on your arms creating a ball with your body. Head to knee forward bend janu sirsasana downward facing dog pose adho mukha shvanasana tree pose vrikshasana extended side angle pose utthita parsvakonasana parivrtta janu sirsasana steps. Supported head stand strengthens the arms legs and back and as an inversion is known to help calm the mind and relieve symptoms of depression.
Head on knee pose head to knee forward bend or seated head to knee pose.
Engage your belly as you keep squeezing your arms. Rest on your arms creating a ball with your body. Once the legs are up place the soles of the feet together while bending the knees as if in bound angle. Draw your shoulders down such that they are embedded in your back.